Local Games
Every night we play this game around the fire. We all sit down around the fire and one person takes a stick. We all put out our feet and the person with the stick says the following words,
Bí o néal, néal a brobán, brobán súla, súla seicne, ár lomán, lóman leic, cor na giell isteach go Flaitheas.
They keep saying that rhyme until every-one has his foot pulled in. Then a dallóg is put on the last one that has his foot out and something is put on his back. He has to guess what it is or they will keep heaping more things over him until he guesses what it is.
At school we play ghosts in the garden. Two or three girls go behind a tree and they are called ghosts. Then some of the other girls go lighting matches to see of any ghosts are in the garden.
When the ghosts see the people looking they run after them and when they catch them they cut the heads off them.
“COLLECTOR; Annie M. Reilly”