A Wonderful Cow
12th May 1938
About two centuries ago there lived a cow called Glas-Nevnew. She travelled all over Ireland and grazed one night in each field. No matter what size the fields where they yielded as much grass as would rear a cow and two calves ever since. This cow could be milked every second in the day and she never could be milked dry.
An unfortunate woman said she would get a vessel the cow would not fill. The vessel she used was and oats riddle and the poor cow couldn't fill it, so she died with heart break on Prizon farm in a field called the Lag-riabhach. She died the third day of April. Ever since the first three days of April are called the three lá na Ribeach days.
“INFORMANT John Mac Nicholas; male, Age; 50, Tawnagh More, Co. Mayo”