25th May 1938
Swinging: - Get a long cart-rope, tie one end of it to the rafter of a barn and tie the other end of it to a rafter the other side of the barn. Put a bag or mat in the centre of the and sit on it. Some body will swing you back and forward.
A jump: - Get two sticks with forked tops. Stick the ends in the ground get a long rod and put it across in the forks of each stick then jump that. If anyone knocks it she must stop jumping it for three rounds.
Winkers: - When playing winkers one person must stand in each of the four corners of the house and another in the middle. Someone in a corner must wink at the person opposite to him. Those two have to change places quickly. Then the one in the centre will try to go into one of the corners. If she succeeds the person whose corner she goes into, will have to go to into the middle.
“Margaret Ruane Tawnagh More, Co. Mayo”