Making a Scib
12th May 1938
My father makes scibs at home. Eight strong sally rods are cut. Four of them are split in the middle with a knife and the others are put through them. Small rods are woven in and out between these in a circle. These are woven until they come to the ends of the strong rods. To turn the caisín long rods are put in all round. Turn up these and tie them together at the top. Build the caisín by weaving to a height of 4" . Take one of the tied rods and weave it in and out between the others. Each one is taken and woven like the first one until they are finished. Potatoes are strained on it. Children eat their dinners out of it. The scib is placed on a chair without a back and they sit round it on stools tied rods and weave it in and out between the others. Children eat their dinners out of it. The scib is placed on a chair without a back and they sit round it on stools.
“INFORMANT: James McIntyre, Age 60, Address, Knocksaxon, Co. Mayo”