7th June 1938
Every farmer around Prizon sews about an acre of potatoes yearly. They sew four different sorts of potatoes namely Regan's, Kerry-pinks, Aran-banner, Epicures. The Regans are the nicest for table use and the Kerry-pinks are also a very good kind. The Arran-banners are very good croppers. They are very large and plentiful and make very good feeding for pigs and fowl but are not good for table use.
The Eppicures are very early potatoes. They are sewn on drills in this district. In the Spring time the men plough the land. It is then harrowed. It is made into drills and the farmyard manure is scattered on them. The potatoes are cut into slits, each one having two or three eyes, then there is a shake of manure scattered over the yard manure and the slits are left a foot apart. The drills are then closed in.
“INFORMANT: Mrs Corcoran, Age 32, Prison, Balla Co. Mayo”