5th May 1938
- If a man had eight gallons of stout in an eight-gallon cask and he had an empty five gallon cask and an empty three gallon cask how would he make halves of it?
- Four S’s, four I’s, two P’s, and a M put that together and spell it for me?
“INFORMANT; Thomas Reilly, male, Age 42, Prison North, Co. Mayo”
- He would fill the three-gallon cask and throw it into the five gallon cask. Then he would fill the three-gallon cask again and throw it into the five gallon cask and he would have one gallon left. He would throw the five gallons into the eight-gallon cask and he would throw the one gallon into the five gallon and he would fill the three gallon cask again and he would have made halves of it.
- Mississippi