“I am a bold tinker”
15th July 1938
I am a bold tinker
my name it is Reilly.
I work at a trade
that is very well known.
Mending cold metal
makes a fellow feel dreary
And only for that I'd leave
porter alone.
One fine summer's morning
when passing through Balla
Disposing of hardware
some strainers and tins
When turning a corner
I met the lime-burner
To wet both our whistles
we went into Mr Ellins
The neat fire-side being so
nice and so cosy
The liquor being good and
the people being kind
In drinking the liquor, the
moments flew quicker
And sorrow and care
it was soon left behind.
That very same evening
when passing the barracks
I met Sergeant Cronan I am
sorry to say
When passing him by sure
I staggered and stumbled
He gave e free lodging and
nothing to pay.
'Twas all very fine until
the next morning
He gave me a ticket inviting me down
to view the prime bird
That comes up to our courthouse
That very same chicken fined me a
I was going to jail when I hadn't
the money
And kind Fr Murphy being passing
the way
On hearing my ditty on me he took pity
And out of his pocket the money did pay
So now my kind friends I'm just
going to leave you
I've got no more time or no money to spend
I'll go down to the crossroads to join
That stole Revilles turf his old kettles to mend.
“INFORMANT: Mrs Adams, Age 33, Prison, Balla Co. Mayo”
One night there were two boys coming home from visiting. It was about twelve o'clock. They heard lovely music inside; they listened for a while and they began to dance. When they started they could not stop until the cock crew in the morning. After that they were the best dancers in the country. INFORMANT: John Kelly, Address, Prison North, Co. Mayo