Posts tagged history
The Famine

About 96 years ago there was a great famine in Ireland. The potatoes and all the crops rotted. The people were starving and dying with the hunger.

INFORMANT: Mr Ruane, Age 48, Tawnagh More, Co. Mayo

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Native Village

My Native Village is called Prison. It is a very large village consisting of 27 houses and 125 people. Among this crowd of people there are about ten people who are over seventy years of age. Each of these people can speak a little Irish. There are about eight families of Reilly's residing at Prizon, so Reilly is the most common name

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Old Ruins

The ruins of a prison stand in this place and from that prison this district got its name....The hangman's name was Neilén Brady. He had a farm of sixty acres of the best land in Prison and this land is to this day called "Trían Neilén."

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Our Native Village

My Native Village is called Prison. It is a very large village consisting of 27 houses and 125 people. Among this crowd of people there are about ten people who are over seventy years of age. Each of these people can speak a little Irish. There are about eight families of Reilly's residing at Prizon, so Reilly is the most common name

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