25th May 1938
These are the names of the tinkers most common in the Parish of Straide, in the Barony of Gallen, in the town land of Tavanagh, Co; Mayo.
The most of these tinkers have the same names as the tinkers long ago namely:- Mahons, Collins, Myers, Stokes, McDonells and McDonaghs. These people go from place to place. They have huts which are drawn by horses. Some times they have 3 or 4 tents or huts with them. They sell tins of all kinds such as:- saucepans sweet-cans both big and small, basins, buckets. They make these things them-selves. The people buy from them some-times if they are in want of tins. They have to pay very dear for them. The people go to visit the tinkers every night and the tinkers go to the houses of the people. Some tinkers are great dancers and singers.
“INFORMANT: Mrs Ruane, Age 47, Tawnagh More, Co. Mayo”
When they came home they had a feast and a wedding. They invited the people of the village and had a big supper and dancing and singing until morning