10th June 1938
We have a churn at home. We have it two years. It is two feet in length and sixteen inches broad. We make a churning once a week in it.
Every morning when my mother milks the cows, any milk she has to spare she puts it into a clean basin to allow the cream to set. Every evening she skims the cream into a clean crock.
When she has enough of cream to make a churning she rinces the churn again and then puts the cream into it. It is dashed up and down for a half an hour if the weather is warm, but if the weather is cold it takes an hour or perhaps more to churn the cream.
If any one comes into the house while the churning is being made he churns a while for fear he would bring the butter.
“COLLECTOR: Jimmie Adams, Age 12, Prison North Co. Mayo.”
There is a Forge in the parish of Balla Barony of Carra Co. Mayo.