Old Sayings
10 June 1938
Three drops out of a trout's mouth, or the ferrets leavings will cure whooping cough.
INFORMANT: Annie Kelly, Address, Prison North, Co. Mayo
On May morning the people used never throw out ashes....INFORMANT Patrick Reilly; male, Age; 87, Prison North, Co. Mayo
To cure a burn mix the yoke of an egg and butter together and fry them. Then rub it on the burn.
There is kind of grey moss that grows in meadow-ground which is very good for any person suffering with kidney trouble.
INFORMANT: Mrs Corcoran, Age 32, Prison, Balla Co. Mayo
In my Grandmothers and Grandfathers time the people were very plain and simple. They walked to church to be married.
INFORMANT: Martin Corcoran, Age; 35, Prizon, Balla, Co. Mayo
That night a wedding took place in Keelogues in my grandfathers house. They had three half-barrels of stout. About sixty guests were invited to the wedding.
- Silence is golden.
- Smooth waters run deep.
- The old cat never burns himself.
- A rolling stone gathers no moss.
- The more hurry the less speed.
- The good alone are really beautiful.
- It's better to be sure than to be sorry.
- Make the hay while the sun shines.
“INFORMANT: Mary Mc Donnell Age, 76 Address: Prison North, Co. Mayo”
The marriage of my uncle and aunt took place a year ago in the parish of Balla, in the month of April. They had 4 motorcars and thirty of the nearest relations with them.
INFORMANT: Mrs Ruane, Age 50, Tawnagh More, Co. Mayo