My Home District
8th June 1938
My home district is in the Parish of Straide the Barony of Gallen the town land of Tabhanachmóre Co.Mayo.
There are fourteen families in it. There are six people over seventy in it namely:- Mrs Ansbro, Mr . Ansbro, Mr. Kearns, Mr. Murphy, Mr. McNamara and Mr. Murphy. Mr. Kearns and Mr. Ansbro are good Irish speakers and story tellers.
Murphy is the most common name. There are five families of that name in it. There are fourteen houses in Tabhanach. There are three of them slated and eleven thatched. There are three houses in ruins. About twenty years ago people lived in them whose names were John Murphy, John Kearns and Michael Kearns. There are rivers one west and one east of the village. They are separating Tabhanachmór from the other two villages Loughill and Cregg.
Seanmuillin is the name of one of them. It was called that name because there was a mill there about fifty years ago. It was worked by the power of the river. There is no name on the other river.
There are about 250 acres of land in this village. There are about ten acres of it bog. The people cut turf in it some-times. The meaning of Tabhanach-mór is:- chose the big horse. But I do not know how it got its name.
“COLLECTOR: Margaret Ruane, Tawnagh More, Co. Mayo”