Local Cures
27th May 1938
Three drops out of a trout's mouth, or the ferrets leavings will cure whooping cough.
To accidently meet a black snail and rub him on a wart will cure it or water found in the hollow of a stone.
A nettle put in the ear will stop toothache.
The seventh son of a family has a cure for ringworm.
The seventh daughter has a cure for any ailment.
When everything has failed to take out a stubborn thorn the fox's tongue will take it out.
Chicken weed will reduce a bad swelling.
Soap and sugar mixed will draw pus from boils or a stone bruise.
A seeded raisin cut in two and applied to an abscess on the tooth will cure it.
“INFORMANT: Annie Kelly, Address, Prison North, Co. Mayo”