Posts in History & Folklore
A Wonderful Cow

About two centuries ago there lived a cow called Glas-Nevnew. She travelled all over Ireland and grazed one night in each field. 

INFORMANT John Mac Nicholas; male, Age; 50, Tawnagh More, Co. Mayo

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Ballinagran Lake

Ballinagran lake had its origin in a spring well. This place was a village about 250 years ago. It was customary to keep this well covered but it happened that a woman came to the well one day in a great hurry......

INFORMANT John Mac Nicholas;, Age; 50, Tawnagh More, Co. Mayo

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Fairy Story

There was once a school master going around teaching night school. He was very fond of playing cards. One night he was going home late, and he met two men. iNFORMANT: John Kelly, Address, Prison, Co. Mayo

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Lore of Certain Days

Fógmhar beag na ngaetheadh. When the wheat and oats etc are gathered the geese are let into the stubble's and that is called The Harvest of the geese.  

INFORMANT: Mary Mc Donnell, Age 77, Address, Prison, Balla Co. Mayo


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Hidden Treasure

A family named Herons who lived in Balla were digging a foundation for a cottage where stands the McEllin Hotel at present. They came on a pot of gold supposed to contain 2,000 guineas...

COLLECTOR: Mary A. O' Doherty, female INFORMANT: Patsy Ansbro;  Gender; male, Age; 84, Tawnaghmore, Co. Mayo

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A Story

Glug and Grug were two giants who lived in Ireland.
Glug was as tall as a flag pole and he had an eye in the back of his head. Grug was not as tall as Glug but he was as wide as a hay stack. INFORMANT: Tom Adams, Age 47, Prison North, Co. Mayo

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Local Heroes

There was a Jack Mahon in Ballymahon, Balla parish , who was supposed to have a "charm" for mowing. He would whet his scythe in the morning and mow till night and he could do as much work in one day as two men would do in two days.

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