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Scoil Gleann an Dùin (Glen school on the hill)

The Schools’ Collection

Approximately 740,000 pages (288,000 pages in the pupils’ original exercise books; 451,000 pages in bound volumes) of folklore and local tradition were compiled by pupils from 5,000 primary schools in the Irish Free State between 1937 and 1939.

This collecting scheme was initiated by the Irish Folklore Commission, under the direction of Séamus Ó Duilearga and Séan Ó Súilleabháin, Honorary Director and Registrar of the Commission respectively, and was heavily dependent on the cooperation of the Department of Education and the Irish National Teachers’ Organization. It was originally to run from 1937 to 1938 but was extended to 1939 in specific cases. For the duration of the project, more than 50,000 schoolchildren from 5,000 schools in the 26 counties of the Irish Free State were enlisted to collect folklore in their home districts. This included oral history, topographical information, folktales and legends, riddles and proverbs, games and pastimes, trades and crafts. The children recorded this material from their parents, grandparents, and neighbours.

The scheme resulted in the creation of over half a million manuscript pages, generally referred to as ‘Bailiúchán na Scol’ or ‘The Schools’ Collection’.

There are 1,128 volumes, numbered and bound, in the Collection. A title page prefaces each school, giving the name of the school, the parish, the barony, the county and the teacher. A further collection of approximately 40,000 of the children’s original copybooks are stored at the NFC

The Dúchas project has the following objective: 

The objective of the project is to initiate the digitization of the National Folklore Collection (NFC)
— Dú
Tom Adams.jpg

Prizon School Collection


From the information we have to date about 15 Pupils including their teacher Mary O'Doherty took part in submitting their local stories. They spoke to over 50 locals who told their tales and memories. It is our hope that we can gather all these stories together and preserve the past of the the lives of those that life in the town of Balla, and surrounding areas. Below I have created link to the stories we have managed to gather to date by the each pupil. This will be updated as time goes on.  



The Schools collection of Stories

Written by pupils back as far as 1937 and more recent reflections from past pupils

Miss Doherty

Miss Doherty

The Duchas Colletion

The Duchas Colletion

15 pupils including their teacher collected traditions, folklore and history from locals  around Balla Co. Mayo.

They compiled the stories and sent them onto Irish folklore commission.  

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A school reunion has taken place every twelve years and for each reunion a collection of stories is complied by former pupils and their family. We hold a collection of stories from both the 2002 and 2014 reunion. Stories with some great tales and what life was life back in the days of Prizon school. 

We have combined some of these stories by category for your convenience to  read  stories on relating subjects. 

If you yourself have stories you wouoold like to add you can contact us and we will be more than happy to add you story. 

School reunion 2014

Feel free to submit a story to us here at Prizon school


Stories from school reunions


Photo’s from school reunion 2012


Records on Teachers and Priests. 


Over the years many teachers have taught in the school and being the local school clergy often visited the school.  One of the first teacher to have ever thought in the school was a man named Carlos from Mayo Abbey.  Rev. Cannon Gibbon P.P of Balla, was appointed manager of the school.  Carlos was replaced as teacher by Edward Colgan  from Bailefaidirín. He was a trained Gardener and put the surrounding land to the school to good use. He taught with his wife Bridget Colgan.  They both later emigrated to the USA and was succeeded by William Keely 1967. No Irish was spoken in the school and if the childern spoke Irish they were punished. 


Lily Glynn who taught in both the old and new school.

Lily Glynn who taught in both the old and new school.

Miss Doherty

Miss Doherty

Mrs Finan

Mrs Finan

Mrs Duggan

Mrs Duggan


Prison School

Entertance of school

Street view of school

Back of school

Prison is a townland  situated north of Balla town in Co. Mayo. A school was built at the northern end of Prison in about 1838 and became locally as Prison school.  The name of the townland and school comes from an old prison situated nearby in Elizabethan time. (Source)

Prison School-15.JPG

On the 2 August 2014 former students and their families attended a school reunion.  People from around Ireland, UK and the USA came back to meet old friends. The former students were lucky enough to be able to go back to the old school house.