Posts in History & Folkore
Local Marriage Customs

In my Grandmothers and Grandfathers time the people were very plain and simple. They walked to church to be married. 

INFORMANT: Martin Corcoran, Age; 35, Prizon, Balla, Co. Mayo

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Native Village

My Native Village is called Prison. It is a very large village consisting of 27 houses and 125 people. Among this crowd of people there are about ten people who are over seventy years of age. Each of these people can speak a little Irish. There are about eight families of Reilly's residing at Prizon, so Reilly is the most common name

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Fairy Story

There was once a school master going around teaching night school. He was very fond of playing cards. One night he was going home late, and he met two men. iNFORMANT: John Kelly, Address, Prison, Co. Mayo

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Lore of Certain Days

Fógmhar beag na ngaetheadh. When the wheat and oats etc are gathered the geese are let into the stubble's and that is called The Harvest of the geese.  

INFORMANT: Mary Mc Donnell, Age 77, Address, Prison, Balla Co. Mayo


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Feast Customs

Shrove Tuesday.
On Shrove Tuesday all the old people used to go to town to buy ling and jam for lent. On Shrove Tuesday night they used to have potatoes and bacon and cabbage for their supper. From that night until Easter they used not eat any meat.


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Hidden Treasure

A family named Herons who lived in Balla were digging a foundation for a cottage where stands the McEllin Hotel at present. They came on a pot of gold supposed to contain 2,000 guineas...

COLLECTOR: Mary A. O' Doherty, female INFORMANT: Patsy Ansbro;  Gender; male, Age; 84, Tawnaghmore, Co. Mayo

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Some riddle by Mary Kate Kelly. See how many you can answer?

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